7:35 PM Unknown 0 Comments


Hair: Little Bones: Neon Bible - Featured @ The Hipster Fair
Skin: [Loveme] Vivian - Tan
Lashes:  *REDGRAVE* Eyelashes -19- Diva
Eyes: [Buzz] Dolly Eyes - Royal Purple 
Lipstick: [Buzz] Creamy Matte- Blood Red
Hands:Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual

The Outfit:

Dress: !Soul: Mesh Dress Blue - 1L
Socks: {PixelGeek} Pixel Luv Over Knee Socks Grey 
Rings: :Diamante - White Melody Rings
Necklace: :Diamante - Mustache Necklace - Featured @ The Hipster Fair


Chair:   BananaN: Anime armchair Vol. 6

Decided to do a different post today instead of a pose and a background! This is where the magic happens and the place I take all my photos (well most)! Hope you enjoy Happy Friday have a good weekend everyone! Xox.

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